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Past Projects

Major projects administered by the Ghajnsielem Local Council since 1993

Embellishment Projects

–          Independence Square
–          Perellos Street
–          Anġlu Grech Street
–          Piazza Tolfa
–          Amabile Cauchi Playing Field in Apparition Square
–          Embellishment of passages and restoration of a ‘fugasse’ at Xatt l-aħmar
–          New pavements, removal of wires and embellishment in front of the main clubs



–          Sant’ Eliju Belvedere
–          Hamri Street Belvedere


Civic Center

–          New local council premises
–          New police station
–          Health centre
–          Public library
–          Internet Cafe


Parks and Recreational Areas

–          Apparition Monument and renovation of the ‘Pjazza tad-Dehra’
–          Recreational Park and Parking Area in 10th December Square
–          Bernard Hersey Playing Field in Gudja Area


Cultural Activities and Events

–          Bethlehem f’Ghajnsielem Event
–          ‘Ġieħ Għajnsielem’ Award
–          Twinning Agreement with the Italian town of Tolfa
–          Assistance to local NGO’s in various cultural activities
–          Remembrance Day  Ceremony
–          Għajnsielem Week every December
–          Christmas street decorations
–          Għajnsielem Fest
–          Various cultural exhibitions promoting local talent


Traffic and Street Maintenance

–          Water culverts in Garden Street, Independence Square and Apparition Square
–          New traffic signs and driving routes


Road Resurfacing

–          Triq Wied ir-Rajjes
–          Triq Cordina fejn iċ-ċimiterju
–          Parti minn Pjazza tad-Dehra
–          Triq Anġlu Grech
–          Parti minn Triq iż-Żewwieqa
–          Triq il-Gudja
–          Triq Gleneagles
–          Triq Simirat
–          Triq Bengħażi
–          Triq Sant Andrija
–          Triq Fuq il-Għajn
–          Triq Sant Eliju
–          Triq Cordina
–          Triq Gużeppi Cali
–          Triq Iċ-Ċief
–          Triq tal-Latini
–          Triq il-Gawwi
–          Triq il Mogħdija
–          Triq il-Gudja
–          Triq Malta
–          Triq Kemmuna
–          Triq Kemmunett
–          Triq Filfla
–          Triq Ċens l-Għarus
–          Triq Wied ir-Rajjes
–          Parti minn Triq Cordina
–          Triq Anġlu Grech

(Resurfaced with Central Goverment Assitance)

–          Triq l-Ixprunara
–          Triq il-Barumbara
–          Triq Dun Franġisk Mizzi
–          Triq is-26 ta’ Jannar 1855
–          Triq il-Qigħan
–          Triq l-Imrejżbiet
–          Triq il-Merkanti
–          Triq l-Imġarr
–          Parti minn triq Pjazza tad-Dehra
–          Parti minn Triq Zewwieqa