News and Events
Press Releases, Notices and Events
Green Infranet Meeting
The Ghajnsielem Local Council is one of 12 European project partners participating in the Interreg IVC project called Green Infranet (visit www.greeninfranet.org for more information). Between the 24th and 25th April 2013, the Ghajnsielem Local Council hosted the project partners in Ghajnsielem, Gozo where the group held its Steering Committee ...
Meeting for the Voluntary Organisations
A meeting for the local NGOs has been held at the Local Council premises. The orginizations included Ghajnsielem Football Club, St Joseph Band, Ghaqda Drammatika Ghajnsielem, Snooker Association, Frangiskan Friars, Ghaqda tal-Armar, Football Accademy, the Boys Museum and Bethlehem f’Ghajnsielem. ...
Reservoir and valley at Simirat cleaned up!
Another project being funded by Eco Gozo has recently been completed by the Ghajnsielem Local Council. This is the first time that this embankment has been cleaned in the last 54 years. The valley behind the backyard houses at Simirat Street has also been cleared of weeds and ...
Laqgha t’informazzjoni – Ufficju tal-Konsumatur
B’kollaborazzjoni mal-Uffiċċju tal-Konsumatur, il-Kunsill qed jorganizza laqgħa t’informazzjoni għar-residenti u dawk kollha interessati rigward garanziji fuq prodotti u il-kuntratti tal-bejgħ, kif ukoll fuq sigurezza tal-prodott/oġġett (product safety). Il-laqgħa se tkun nhar l-Erbgħa, 30 ta’ Jannar mill-10.30am– 12.00am. Inħeġġukhom biex tattendu.
Eco-Truck presented to Local Council
The Hon. Giovanna Debono, Minister for Gozo this morning presented an eco truck to be used by the Ghajnsielem Local Council. The battery-operated vehicle will be used by the Local Council in several small projects which part of the Eco-Gozo vision of making our island more beautiful, welcoming, inclusive and successful. ...
Loreto Scicluna awarded ‘Ġieħ Għajnsielem’
Mayor Francis Cauchi awarded the 18th edition of the 'Premju Ġieħ Għajnsielem' to Loreto Scicluna, commending his achievement with the Ghajnsielem Football Club as a player, administration and archivist. Loreto Scicluna, born in Gozo August ...
First stone laid at Ghajn tal-Hasselin
The Hon. Giovanna Debono, Minister for Gozo laid the first stone of the 'Ghajn tal-Ħasselin' project at the Apparition Square which will this see historic arcade being rebuilt by the Ghajnsielem Local Council with the assistance from the Ministry of Gozo. The ceremony started with a short band march by ...
Permessi MEPA – Bethlehem f’Ghajnsielem
Il-MEPA qed issemmi li l-applikazzjoni l-ġdida (il-full application) tinkludi faċilitajiet permanenti u fl-istess nifs qed ittenni li trid tanalizza applikazzjoni għal żvilupp ODZ bir-reqqa. B'hekk qed taghti l-impressjoni li dawn il-binjiet li applika għalihom il-Kunsill huma ODZ meta dawn huma fiż-żona ta' żvilupp. Ma semmiex lanqas li dawn ...
Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem 2012/13
Il-Kunsill Lokali Għajnsielem jixtieq jiċċara diversi punti li ssemmew fuq il-media lokali dwar l-attivita` annwali “Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem”. Għal dawn l-aħħar erba’ snin din l-attivita` dejjem għamlet unur lir-raħal u lill-Kunsill Lokali, u kien għalhekk li kien hemm ix-xewqa li din is-sena jerġa’ jittella’ dan il-Villaġġ sħiħ. Dan però ma kienx possibli għar-raġunijiet li ...
GhajnsielemFest 2012
Bħal ma tafu, s-sena l-oħra l-Kunsill kellu jħassar Għajnsielem Fest peress li kien hemm il-proġett tal-qniepen u kien miżmum ukoll mill-Arċipriet, fejn qal li dan il-festival kien qed jakkumula ammont kbir ta’ skart. Madankollu din is-sena l-Kunsill xtaq li jerġħha jorganizza dan il-festival, fejn din is-sena kien ser isir b’kollaborazzjoni mar-Radju Lauretana. ...