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Bethlehem f’Ghajnsielem 2015 opens
Following three months of hard work by the many volunteers, the seventh edition of Bethlehem f’Ghajnsielem was officially inaugurated this afternoon by the Minister for Gozo Dr Anton Refalo. It marks the start of the Christmas activities in Ghajnsielem.
New attractions for this years include a new local crafts area with a section dedicated to mosaic, a new looks for the fisherman’s port and a 100 feet bridge which the visitors can cross to take a trip along the river on a Maltese boat. Other traditional attractions include the bakary, the blacksmith, carpenter, the wine tavern, open air market and the Inn. The main attraction is certainly the grotto, with baby Jesus in the caring hands of Mary assisted by Joseph with a donkey and a cow close by.
Bethlelem f’Ghajnsielem which is spread over 20,000sqm of land and animated by 150 actors will be animated during weekends and public holidays.The event is being organized by the Ghajnsielem Local Council in collaboration with the Ministry for Gozo and the Bethlehem f’Ghajnsielem organizing committee.